An International Peer -Reviewed pharmaceutical sciences publishing online Journal    


About Us


The Archives of Pharmaceutical Science and Research [APSR] is a Quarterly Peer review online and printed journal. Publication of this journal is to document and excel in pharmaceutical education in India and Internationally.

The Journal considers material in all pharmacy areas related to academia, industry, management, Clinical, Hospital, Community and other relevent research deciplines worldwide, through open-access Internet publication of the Journal intends to take advantage of the electronic medium in the form of digital materials. APSR provides a dynamic forum for the exchange of knowledge among scientists to enhance their contributions to public health.

The Journal accepts original research and review manuscripts that have not been published and are not under consideration for publication elsewhere. All manuscripts are subject to peer review and approval by the Chief Editor or editorial board before publication. Authors must prepare manuscripts to conform to the Journal style. All the manuscripts accepted for publication, become the property of APSR. All requests for reassignment of the above rights should be directed to the Chief Editor.